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How You Can Help During Coronavirus

How You Can Help During Coronavirus

Our local charities are doing a valiant job helping the vulnerable people in our area, and it’s heart-warming that so many of you have been  in touch wanting to help them. As they struggle to cope with the impact of the coronavirus, we are outlining each charities needs on our website and in direct communications to businesses. We are also highlighting a charity each week in our newsletter.

This week we focus on St Mungo’s, which, under normal circumstances, offers beds and support to some of our most vulnerable people, and works to prevent and support homelessness and recovery. But these aren’t normal circumstances and St Mungo’s knows that homeless people are far more likely to have health problems that put them at a higher risk of getting ill as a result of coronavirus. With the cancellation of its usual fundraising activity, St Mungo’s is desperately trying to raise funds and vital supplies to help support this vulnerable group of people.

Donate financial support here

Other ways that you can help:


Anyone who is concerned about someone sleeping rough should refer them via StreetLink to help connect them with local services, it is critical they reach people quickly to support them during this crisis. With fewer people commuting, the risk that they don’t find people quickly has increased significantly

Donate essential supplies:

If you are still operating in the area and have any of the following resources available, please contact St Mungo’s.

  • Food – UHT milk, cans of food, fruit juices, ready meals
  • Toiletries – hand sanitisers (60% alcohol or greater), disinfectant hand soap in dispensers, paper hand towels
  • Cleaning – micro-fibre cloths, disposable mops and mop heads, strong black bin bags, disposable aprons, gloves
  • Clothes (washed or new) –trousers, jumpers, t-shirts, shirts, underwear
  • Technology/entertainment (in good condition) – phones, tablets, laptops, gaming devices, fiction books. These materials can help a person overcome feelings of isolation and ensure they can access additional support.

Details of how you can help other charities supporting homelessness can be found on our web page along with details of charities and groups supporting the elderly, those in isolation and people in food poverty. There are also details of help needed for key workers.

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