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How Many of Our New Banners Have You Spotted?
7 August 2019
With their bright design and striking imagery, you don’t need to be eagle-eyed to have noticed our new lamppost banners running the length of Baker Street, around Portman Square and on Wigmore Street…
The banners, thirty two in total, with six different designs – each depicting and highlighting a service or interest to be found within our Quarter – are not only designed to decorate and brighten the streets, they’re there to demonstrate our pride and care for the area and hopefully evoke the same feelings for you too. And at the same time, inform passers-by about what the Quarter has to offer, from dining to wellness and its culture. Offerings, which those of you who responded to our retail survey, have told us are important qualities when working, living and visiting here.
The banners will be in place for just six weeks when, after a short breather, will be completely upstaged by our new Christmas lights, which we’ll be telling you more about in the next few months…
Find out more about what we’re doing in the Quarter.