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Help Transform Student Lives

We recently rounded up a few of the ways the Quarter’s businesses can help, and benefit from, the University of Westminster’s talented and diverse pool of students and graduates, from offering mentoring schemes to career talks. The Howard de Walden Estate has shared a few of the ways they have been involved with the University to help transform students’ lives and raise their career aspirations. We have been delighted to have The Howard De Walden Estate as a member temporarily while they are based on Baker Street prior to returning to their refurbished offices later this year.

Last September and last week, Howard de Walden participated in the Westminster Working Cultures UK virtual programme. The programme provides students with the opportunity to learn about the professional environment at The Howard de Walden Estate, and to hear from a range of colleagues who will share details of their own career path and valuable advice to support our students’ professional journey.

Six members of staff at Howard de Walden are also mentoring Westminster students for the first time this year through the Career Mentoring Scheme, and a paid internship opportunity is currently being developed for a Westminster graduate this summer.

For the last three years, Howard de Walden has generously funded two annual scholarships at the University of Westminster to help final year students who are estranged from their families with accommodation and living expenses. As a result, last year’s scholars, who were both averaging upper second-class honours, graduated with first class honours, thanks to the time they had available to focus on their studies and access other opportunities requiring a time commitment.

In January this year, Howard de Walden extended this support, donating to the University’s COVID-19 Response Fund to support students during the pandemic and ensure they can continue to reach their true potential regardless of the obstacles they have faced. Howard de Walden’s funding is helping students to manage their living expenses including food, rent and technology costs associated with online learning.

To find out how your organisation can support the University in similar ways or for any other opportunities to support local groups and charities, speak to Kate our Smarter Giving Manager or visit the corporate giving page to read more.

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