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Help Our Smarter Giving Big Day Out
26 May 2017
These are residents who would normally struggle to get out and about as they are in wheelchairs or have walking frames. Our Smarter Giving initiative will hire a mobility bus for the day, head to Eastbourne and spend the day (hopefully) in the sunshine along the promenade.
We are hoping to provide a delicious fish and chip lunch, as well as an afternoon tea for all attending, meaning residents can attend regardless of any income challenges they may have.
We are looking for 10 – 12 volunteers to spend the day with us, helping to push some of the wheel chairs, and act as companions for the day. Note; professional carers will also be present to attend to all personal or medical needs that arise so no volunteers will be responsible for this. In order for this day to go ahead we are also need to raise £1200 for the mobility bus and refreshments.
If you would like to volunteer to make it happen please get in touch.
You can donate funds through our CrowdFunding Page here