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Help Prevent The Spread Of Covid-19 In Westminster

With cases of Covid-19 in London rising quickly, Westminster City Council has asked us to circulate the following message on the importance of testing.

Cases of Covid-19 are rising across London, including in younger age groups who may not yet be vaccinated. It’s vital that businesses employees to play their part in limiting the spread of Covid-19 by:

  • following Step 3 restrictions
  • remembering hands, face, space and fresh air
  • getting vaccinated when eligible

Testing is still one of the most effective ways to control the spread of Covid-19 and protect our communities. There are two types of tests available in Westminster:

  • for people who are not showing any symptoms (symptom-free testing, also known as rapid lateral flow tests)
  • for people who have symptoms of the virus (a new persistent cough, high temperature or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste)

For employers and employees, there are three different ways to access regular symptom-free tests.

  1. Visit our community test sites
  2. Use a third party provider
  3. Ask employees to order home test kits

The latest information on how and where to get tested in Westminster is available on the council’s website, including FAQs and information for those travelling to and from the UK.

All those who are aged 18 or over, or turn 18 before 1 July 2021, are eligible for the vaccine. For more information on vaccinations, including how to book appointments, locations of vaccination centres and FAQs, visit the council’s website. Further advice for businesses on keeping your workplaces safe can be found on our Business Resource Hub.

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