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Have Your Say On New Air Quality Action Plan
27 January 2020
Westminster City Council has launched a consultation on their new Air Quality Action Plan and wants to hear from businesses and residents throughout the borough.
The council’s plan for a four-year strategy to deliver improvements to air quality in Westminster is part of a drive to create a safer, healthier and cleaner environment for all those who live, work and visit the area. The plan is one which aligns with our own Better Air Quality objectives, aiming to reduce harmful emissions within the Quarter and improve the air that we breathe. We know better air quality is important to our members, which is why it is one of our key priorities.
The Plan outlines five major themes and asks for feedback on which of a range of actions should be prioritised by the Council. We will be responding to welcome the Council’s Action Plan, recognising that to achieve significant change there will be a need to lobby for pan-London effective solutions, such as co-ordinated investment in delivery consolidation facilities and air quality monitoring. This investment must sit alongside a planning framework that enables businesses to deliver their own emission reductions from older buildings.
Find out more about WCC’s Action Plan and give your response.