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Exciting New Plans From LEN

The Marylebone Low Emissions Neighbourhood (LEN) has some exciting new proposals for Paddington Street and Marylebone High Street which will vastly improve the environment for pedestrians. The Marylebone LEN  – a partnership between Westminster City Council, the Mayor of London and local partners, and us – was tasked with developing new ways to introduce pockets of green spaces and improve links to existing ones to enhance walking in the area. Proposals include a new crossing on Paddington Street which will better connect the north and south gardens and the addition of new pollution-tackling trees. For Marylebone High Street, some pedestrian crossings will be relocated, pavement spaces will be widened and greening and cycle parking will be increased. If given the green light, works could begin towards the end of this month to make these improvements a reality. We will keep you posted on works timings once confirmed.

Read more about LEN.

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