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Countdown To “Wonderpass”
1 September 2015
One of our major public realm projects is about to be realised with a total upgrade of the subway at Baker Street station.
Perfect for avoiding the crowds and traffic on Marylebone Road, the subway is a convenient little detour but, on the flip side, it’s certainly seen better days and, despite our daily clean and overnight gating to reduce anti-social behaviour, does not provide the warmest welcome to the Quarter.
When BakerStreetQ formed, back in 2013, we proposed project “Wonderpass” and, since then, we’ve been working with Transport for London and Westminster City Council on a plan to bring you an exciting, new and improved subway, transforming the space into a pleasant, entertaining and vibrant experience, that showcases the area and positively encourages people to use it. The work, which begins next Monday, 7 September, will see upgraded drainage and lighting, refurbished stairwells, new wall panelling, flooring and hand rails. Striking decorative work will also be undertaken, with the walls adorned with artwork and graphics showcasing the area’s rich history and featuring miniature model displays from a number of local attractions.
This exciting upgrade work, which will bring huge benefits to the area, will last for approximately 12 weeks, during which time the subway will be closed and signs will direct pedestrians to use the Marylebone Road crossing instead. Work will take place Monday to Friday, between 8.00 and 17.00. In the run up to the work, there may be the odd, short closure. We aim to keep disruptions to a minimum but if you have any questions, please email Transport for London. We appreciate your patience during these works and look forward to welcoming you to a fun and distinctive, new ‘venue’ in the Quarter.