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Clean-Up In The Quarter 

BakerStreetQ’s cleaning team provided by our partner Veolia, Westminster City Council’s Commercial Waste Service provider, alongside our Street Environment Manager have continued to keep the area’s streets clean and rubbish free.

Nearly 100 hours have already been spent thoroughly cleaning the area with an anti-viral disinfectant, to ensure it continues to be a safe and hygienic place to work, live and visit. This also included cleaning high-frequency touchpoints in the Quarter such as bus stops and pedestrian crossings.

This is just one of the ways we maintain a clean and pleasant Quarter for our members. Our Street Environment team are always quick to tackle hotspots prone to issues like littering. Recent examples of how we have been working to improve the physical environment include:

* Quickly spotting and clearing litter that had gathered in Marylebone Road

* Assisting a takeaway to prevent greasy bin bags smearing the pavement

* Arranging spot cleaning of the Wonderpass including litter and leaf removal to keep the floor safe and slip-free

Our proactive Street Environment Manager Al is always alert to issues such as fly-tipping, trip hazards and damaged street furniture. You can contact him by emailing [email protected].

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