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Clean Sweep For Dan And Pino

Our Street Manager, Dan, is a familiar face to many of you and is your first port-of-call when you see something amiss on our streets. Whether it’s litter, graffiti, fly-tipping or even deep cleaning, Dan’s your man. But Dan can’t take all the credit for keeping the streets spick and span, for that we have to thank Veolia’s army of street cleaners who, from early in the morning ‘til late at night, seven days a week, comb the whole Quarter, and beyond! Working on behalf of Westminster City Council, the Veolia team take care of all manner of rubbish and cleaning.

Whether Dan is communicating a problem he’s spotted, or one that’s been reported by you, his relationship and communications with Pino, the Veolia team’s Manager, are key to getting a fast and effective response.

Find out more about Dan and the work that he does.

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