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Childhood Centre Appeal For Help

Local community group, The Portman Early Childhood Centre, which provides support for around 90 disadvantaged children and their families, has two roof gardens in desperate need of a make-over. The gardens provide the only outdoor play space that many of it’s children and families have easy access to. Member organisers, Double Tree by Hilton Marble Arch, JCA Group and London & Regional are supporting it but the project needs more funds.

On Friday 20 March, a team of volunteers will spend the day developing the two roof gardens to give it a much needed facelift. There will be a host of activity on the day, including the introduction of around 200 new plants to encourage wildlife and promote learning by touch and smell. Tired wood will be re-painted, making the gardens really colourful and attractive for the families. A digging area for the children will be created and the addition of large planters will allow the children and their parents to grow vegetables, facilitate parental bonding and teaching about food and food hygiene. Finally, the old pond and water feature, which has been broken for many years, will be fixed so that the children can enjoy water play.

Our member organisers have enlisted the support of three contractors to help with this project – a painter, landscaper and water specialist. These companies – Hasmead, Exel and Norland – are also donating their time and materials, the value we estimate to be in the region of £5,000. All plants have been generously donated by another BakerStreetQ member, Broadgate Estates.

In addition, our member organisers have gathered around 25 volunteers from within their own businesses to work with the contractors on the day. However, such is the scale of the project that we need to raise more money.

Can you donate?
The project needs to raise around £3000 to cover paint, planters, wood, varnishes and other materials – can you or your business support this with a donation? By donating, you will be supporting a unique and very worthwhile project, which will make a huge difference to the children and families who use the Centre. Furthermore, any member who donates will be listed as a supporting business and will be included in all press related to the project.

If you can help please email us or call us on 020 3056 5910.

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