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Carbon Literacy Training

Our next Carbon Literacy course is coming up on Tuesday 14 March, 9.00 -17.00, available free of charge to employees of our member businesses, with the aim of raising awareness of carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis. Attendees finish the day as certified Carbon Literate by the Carbon Literacy Project. 

To give you a taste of what the course can offer, we asked previous attendee Chanel Tabi from Portman Square-based CPP Investments, how she found the course and the impact and changes that have occurred since attending… 

Why did you choose to attend the Carbon Literacy course, and did it deliver to your expectations? 

I felt there would be great value in attending this course, to help understand how organisations can reduce their carbon footprint and their operational impacts on climate change. Also, to learn about opportunities that could assist with greater compound change and influence, to be able to make shifts away from high greenhouse gas emissions. This course also delivers current up to date information on climate change and its impacts, which is very beneficial to be able to have the right conversations to influence changes now. With that in mind, I’ve also shared this course with a number of my colleagues to attend, as even though it’s a day course, the content is easy enough to understand, clarifying any areas where information maybe ‘greenwashed’ in the media, and the delivery is motivating to you to make a simple change to incorporate in your day to day life.  

What was the most important piece of information that you took away with you after the session? Has it resulted in any changes to your daily life? 

To continue to decarbonise after lockdown. We saw the amazing shift in climate change, and the impacts and effects that we saw from our limited transportation modes during lockdown. With cleaner air, water, cities, animals returning to their environments… and so I got rid of one of my highest carbon emission contributors… my car!  

Have you been able to implement what you learnt on the course into your work in the office? If so, what? 

Yes absolutely! CPP Investments has a GoGreen team in the office, and many employees who support effective ways to a call to climate action. Circulating the course internally for those who wish to attend, has supported further conversations, knowledge sharing and facts to be able to influence change in the office. We have explored smalls wins that we can address straight away by reducing emissions, waste, and keeping materials within a circular economy such as general office waste, stationery, and office drinks. Although these may appear to be small areas to make a change, these are areas that make such a difference for us, as there is activity with these items being used every single day! 

Who would you recommend attend the course coming up in March? 

Everyone! It’s a course, where you can apply it to yourself as individuals, share information at home with family and friends, and of course in the workplace environment. You will feel motivated after attending the course to at least make one change, that can make a big difference.  

More details on the forthcoming Carbon Literacy course, including how to register, are available here. We have a full programme of professional development courses that are free to employees of our members – a full listing is available here 

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