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Breathing New Life Into Our Quarter
30 January 2019
As the Two Way team works through the final phases of the project, which is due to complete this summer, it’s time to breathe new life into our streets with some new trees.
Specially selected for their size and form, 23 London Plane trees, 4.5 to 5 metres in height, will replace the Italian Alders, which were removed last August, and will be planted alongside the existing 35 Planes already growing within the Quarter. Trees of this size are large enough to provide an immediate visual impact while young enough to establish quickly and easily. A further seven trees of mixed variety are to be added for contrast, with six pear trees having already been planted in Gloucester Place.
Planted at the optimum time of year for trees, they should be nicely bedded down and ready to bloom in springtime.
The tree planting, which is all part of the Two Way project, began last week in the north of the Quarter and will continue south this week.
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