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Our Annual Toy Appeal Starts On 20 Nov

We’re delighted to host our fourth annual Toy Appeal to support local underprivileged children, many from deprived backgrounds who may not receive any gifts without our support. With your help we aim to collect over 300 gifts, one for each child, which we hope will make their Christmas more memorable. You can get involved by setting up a collection point at your business or building, it’s simple and is guaranteed to get the whole office involved!

We are continuing to support four nurseries from the Church Street ward; Fisherton Pre-School, IMPs Pre-School, Newpin Family Centre and The Portman Early Childhood Centre. We will also be collecting gifts for the COSMIC Ward (Children of St Mary’s Intensive Care) at St Mary’s Hospital. The appeal will run over two weeks from Monday 20 November to Friday 1 December. If you are stuck for ideas, take a look at our suggested shopping list , remember each gift can be up to the value of £10.00.

We will provide guidance on the age group and gender for the gifts needed. We are also looking for volunteers to help at Christmas parties and to personally hand gifts out as Santa’s helpers or
even Santa himself! Below is a summary of what is required.

  • Gifts should be to the value of £10.00.
  • Gifts donated must be new and unwrapped.
  • The Toy Appeal will take place for two weeks from Monday 20 November to Friday 1 December.
  •  All gifts need to be delivered to the venues by 5 December to allow time for wrapping and allocating.
  • Delivery should be coordinated directly with the benefiting charity or cause.
  • Digital posters branded by BakerStreetQ will be provided.
  • We will raise awareness of your contribution through our social media platforms and weekly newsletter.

To host a Toy Appeal please contact Dina Patel on 020 3056 5916 [email protected]

Get involved with this amazing campaign – we promise it will give you a warm fuzzy feeling!

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