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Allotments For Children

The Portman Early Childhood Centre, a nursery based in the heart of nearby Church Street Ward, is looking for supporters to help regenerate their rooftop allotments. Many of the children and families who come to the Centre live in built up social housing flats with limited access of outside space. Providing the children with access to gardens where they can plant seeds, watch them grow and learn about health and nutrition is therefore hugely important. We are looking for businesses that might be willing to collaborate to help make this wish a reality through providing:

  • Funding (the current cost is estimated at around £3k)
  • Donations of good quality planters
  • Donations of plants and seeds
  • Volunteering time to help install the allotment (this is dependent on Covid restrictions at the time)

Some readers may remember that around five years ago Baker Street Quarter Partnership members generously provided funding, materials, expertise and time, to create some beautiful allotments on the roof gardens of The Portman Early Childhood Centre. Over the last 18 months, the centre has seen a major renovation as part of a Church Street redevelopment programme but the roof allotments were not included and the centre would love to have them back in some form.

The Centre supports around 90 children aged 2-4 years as well as their wider families providing education, play and a broader level of support. In addition to supporting the education of the children who attend, it also seeks to offer support to the parents and families. This comes in many forms, including better parenting techniques, education and learning, providing a space for mothers to come together and, where needed, victim support. If you think yourself or your organisation might be willing to help, please contact [email protected].

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