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Advocating For The Quarter

BakerStreetQ has always spoken up for the Quarter and its businesses.  This has been even more so in recent months with many public authorities turning to us and our BID colleagues to understand the challenges for businesses and Central London.  Our frequent discussions with so many of you throughout this period directly informed our advocacy to Government, the Mayor, the Council and others, articulating your needs and encouraging swift and informed initial policy change and support packages. 

Our current focus is on the very particular challenges facing Central London and its consumer facing businesses who are so important to the Quarter’s vibrancy and attractiveness.  The current wariness of travel and long commutes to London as opposed to other cities are particular threats exacerbated by the lack of international and business travel. We are working with several groups made up of key business and representative bodies developing evidence, thought and campaigns to support Central London and push for specific assistance and policy changes. 

Since March we have joined successful efforts pushing for greater flexibility with planning and licensing, tailored financial assistance, business rates relief, the repurposing of outdoor space for hospitality businesses and improved pedestrian and cycling routes and facilities.

We have been delighted to see the new ‘al fresco’ offer pop-up in the Quarter as a result as well as cycle lanes to the area and additional cycle racks. We also asked for clear communications on transport operators capacity, cleansing and safety measures which we have circulated to our audiences and very early on we pushed for the recognition of security staff as essential workers which was critical in ensuring they could travel to their workplaces during lockdown.  

See more about our Advocacy work 

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