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Action Counters Terrorism

We support the National Counter Terrorism Policing’s latest campaign to help the police tackle terrorism and save lives by reporting suspicious behaviour and activity.

Communities defeat terrorism. With the enduring terrorist threat, it is now more important than ever that everyone plays their part in tackling terrorism.

Don’t worry about wasting police time. No call or click will be ignored. What you tell the police is treated in the strictest confidence and is thoroughly researched by experienced officers before, and if, any police action is taken.

Any piece of information could be important, it is better to be safe and report. Remember, trust your instincts and ACT. Action Counters Terrorism.
How can I report?

Reporting is quick and easy. You can report in confidence online via the Police’s secure form: Alternatively, you can call them confidentially on 0800 789 321. All reports are kept confidential and you can report anonymously.

In an emergency always call 999.

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