Services for Businesses

Employee Wellbeing

We know that the mental health and wellbeing of employees is a key priority for our business members which is why we deliver an extensive wellbeing programme available to all local employees as an additional benefit of working in the area and providing opportunities for local connections.

The popular programme includes advice sessions on topics such as sleep, diet and other ways to improve your overall physical and mental wellbeing, practical guidance for supporting mental health such as breath workshops, and physical wellbeing activities including, pilates and yoga. We also offer workshops that encourage mindfulness such as craft and creative writing. View the Training and Events Calendar here.

In addition to this, we have partnered with SEEDL to deliver our Training and Wellbeing Hub that features over 200 virtual workshops and webinars, including fitness workouts, yoga and guided meditation. All courses are FREE to employees of our member businesses and businesses have the option to sign up all of their colleagues in one go. Contact us for more information.

Our Mental Health First Aid training course provides attendees the toolkit to support those that they work with, and our Mental Health First Aider Network sessions support people who are in the role. View our events calendar to find out more about sessions that are coming up soon. If you would like to know more, or have suggestions for sessions to add to the programme, contact us here.

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