Services for Businesses

Collective Voice

We continue to advocate for Marylebone for the benefit of the entire community and are a recognised, coordinated voice for local businesses, with strong links to the Council and local partners, ensuring that the needs of businesses and the area are heard and addressed

We proactively advocate and respond to consultations, joining up with BIDs in Westminster and central London to add weight to these arguments where appropriate, ensuring decision makers understand members’ views and concerns.

We represent our members on panels and groups making decisions affecting local businesses, for example policing priorities, wider air quality programmes and planning policy. Key forums include the Marylebone Neighbourhood Forum, Police Safer Neighbourhoods Panel, West End Security Group and West End Zero Emissions Group.

Recently, our advocacy activity has included:

  • TfL funding

  • Supporting the reintroduction of tax-free shopping for visitors

  • Short-term commercial lets

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